July 18th, 2024
A: My name is Vicki Bennet, and I am a one-woman show at Bunker’s Attic.
A: I am located on the intersection of K Street and 19th Street in the Merchant Market.
A: I’ve been upcycling since 2007. I started out by selling in shops and popping up whenever possible.
A: I love creating and always have ideas. My friend says I’m an entre-manure because I do all kinds of s**t. I have always been a very hard worker and knew when it was time to work for myself and share my passion.
A: I have been at the Midtown Farmers Market for two years now.
A: It’s been very validating to see the response I get at the Midtown Farmers Market. The Midtown vibe is the best. The customers and the market community are just amazing.
A: I love the band tee dresses and talking to customers about music, and I also love the upcycled vintage watch band bracelets.
A: There have been so many laughs with customers and people bringing their friends to meet me and my shop. Last Saturday, a customer even brought me breakfast, which was so sweet.
A: Bunker’s Attic is a one-woman show. I hand select every piece to repurpose it, which is more sustainable. I am always searching for vintage, funky pieces and prints for the dresses that I make. I will not ever put anything with my name on it that I don’t personally love. I’m very proud and grateful for what I’ve accomplished. You can shop at my store online at bunkersattic.com or visit me on Saturday at the Midtown Farmers Market.